SuddenLy I seE

Saturday, October 08, 2005

I'm feeling so bored..!!! bestie no.1 has a class outing so she can't go out wif me. She has not been gg out wif me eva since we went to diff skls. I miss her so!!! and there's the Bestie no.2 who is gg to SPCA to do some volunteer work wif his frens fr skl. I wanted to go too! but I jus get so freaked out by the dogs and cats when they come near me,though they're extremely cute from afar! ok...a bit of a contradiction.hahahha!

I'm not gg out cos I'm pure lazy. hahaha!the thing is ..there's someone who jus keeps popping up in my mind now and then,at intervals of a few minutes. I guess he muz be enjoying the company of some girls now. So freaky. hahaha! next time when I'm less lazy I'll write a poem on it. Currently no inspiration for me..and I'm called crazy too...*cries and sobs. hehe!as if i'll cry lyk tt. but awy..I'll jus read a book or sth..wat a day! tmr will be better...cos there's lotsa activities gg on.Yay!

P.S.: every part of the song's lyrics tt I post has a meaning to what I'm thinking...

Here's a part of the song from Michelle Branch

Sometimes I imagine a world without you
All these times I'm jus so happy that I eva found you
it's a complicated thing
tt u live inside my head...

I noe in the end you'll nv leave me...