SuddenLy I seE

Sunday, October 09, 2005

I had lotsa fun today! Went to church in the morning and met my aunt! Had a totally gr8 time wif her! there's a feast I sort of turned into a glutton and ate my fill.From rojak to mee siam. hahaha! went shopping after the feast day (which is sort of food and funfair style). Bought lotsa stuff too!At least i dun feel so bored compared to yesterday. hahaha! and then I went jogging.Very nice!I loved it!

Here's part of a song from Atomic Kitten

I've been looking and searching baby for the one who'll be true.
And i thot tt i've found him my boy..but now i noe its not u
Cos u can see me running but u're standing still
u dun believe its coming but u noe tt it will

so baby see ya, alright
i wouldn't wanna be ya tonight
let me make it clear, alright
u're not the one for me