SuddenLy I seE

Saturday, March 18, 2006

A day out!

went out wif slyvia and yanru yest! had such a gr8 time!!
Well, i'm tired so jus keep this summary short la uh.

Went to bugis and walked around trying to look for a good restaurant. I wanted to go Thai express but they dun have it there. I think.
The point is.. all 3 of us are not very familiar wif bugis. If I were to go orchard or suntec that area, it'd be so much easier. Anyhow! we ended up in Ajisen Jap restaurant cos they were giving out the flyers. It's so hard to navigate around in such an unknown place! we had such a tiring time touring bugis! hahahaha!
so in the end, it's still alright. The story's not tt miserable la.
We had a fantastic time at the shop eating japanese ramen. Yanru and I had some volcano ramen. It's stated wif 4 chillis on the menu, i thot i might as well give it a try and see if it's really nice. I love spicy stuff!! hahaha! so does the 2 of my fellow besties. that's y yanru had the same as me. Since slyvia was not feeling that well, so she had jus the spicy ramen which, on the menu, showed only 2 chilli.
Aiya!! that volcano ramen is not tt hot and spicy! it's a dormant one, not active AT ALL!!
hahhaha! but it's on the whole, a very delicious bowl of noodles and i TOTALLY enjoyed it. (tt's y i picked tt restaurant!!)
We talked abt various issues, catching up on each other. It's really fascinating as to how pple change and all. hahhaha! so amazing! (sorry! a bit intrigued by these social gossips.. sighs)

So we went to orchard after a while, as we were so bored in bugis. There's a lot of funny things, those small stuff tt comes in different colours lyk pink, white etc. BUT! we're not impressed. hahahaha
Therefore, we took a train all the way to orchard. Shopped around taka, heeren. Yanru sorta left earlier cos she had some lessons in her skl. It's a fri. ya.

So it's me and slyvia!!ahhhhh!
guess wat!
while we were waiting for the traffic light outside Borders to turn green, we were talkg abt some issue and jus on the second when the traffic light turned green!!
I dragged slyvia into borders. she was yelling and screaming. but.. oh well! who cares. hahahahaha! jus joking!
In we went to borders, wanted to get some notebook. But didnt appeal much to me and i left wif tt woman within abt 15 mins. hahahaha!
As we were walkg to the bus-stop, oh man! we were chatting all abt mercs and wat we wanna do in the far future. hahhaha!! all the funny and amazing stories we came up wif.
In the bus, passed by bukit timah road.. tt stretch which links to sixth avenue and told her abt an ice-cream shop which i patronised wif my debate team. so cool! food and more food. then passed by an italian restaurant (pasta fresca) and told her even more abt it. After tt, passed by king albert park's macdonald's and i was reminiscing abt my cousin's bdae. hahahhaha! tt shortie! although she's quite tall for her age la uh.
It's a fabulous day and i simply love it!!