SuddenLy I seE

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Different aspects of life...
*how philosophical is tt!!?!hahaha!

Spoke to my bestie yest abt another outing. Oh man! I seriously need some pasta. hahahaha! so we're still in deliberation as to whether we shd eat sth traditional, or sth lyk ... my dear pasta. oh dearie dearie! hahahhaa!

oh yes!then yest night i had a nightmare abt someone i saw earlier in the morning. of cos! one of my frens of whom i know but it's quite weird. cos the whole day's events were made into a dream. eeew! *shakes head.
yups! dreamt tt we were in a very posh library..LIBRARY!!?! but it's v high-class. (ok... waiting for tt to be built. hahaha!) so we were standing at the concourse talkg and there's a lot of cars passing by. wat's tis!
Anyhow! i went to the library earlier in the afternn yest after the debate meeting. maybe tt explains y i dreamt of it.
but ya.. it's quite spooky. then the dream sorta stopped there, after we exchanged a convo which i totally cant remember, cos i had leg cramps. Woke up and nv dreamt the same dream again.
it's amazing y i still remember the cars passing by and the library. eeew! hahaha! nightmare.