SuddenLy I seE

Sunday, April 30, 2006

Such terrible services!!!

I'm so outraged when i went to a supermart near my hse yest!!! well, i sorta looked around for the feedback form - shd they even have one- but i realised tt maybe the reason for not having one was becos of the poor services. Too many complains will come flooding in. haha!
ok... i'm a bit lazy to type it all out again. heheheh! but here's the gist to that infuriating matter tt i promised to blog and let part of the world noe. hahhaha! so mean!

but anyhow! my mum and I went to this nearby store - which is a supermart and has sorta advertised widely all over the country, jus becos of the few hypermarts they have - supposedly to get a kettle, cos the old one seemed a little dangerous. hahaha! so after abt half an hr of scrutinizing each and every available appliance there, we made our decision finally. obviously, there shd be someone to get a new box of tt same model for us. however, there's this guy - luckily his nametag was covered all along - if not, i'd have written his name in to the manager in charge. This guy is so horrid! I spoke to him nicely, asking whether he could get a new box of the same model for us and he sluggishly, slowly told me to get it MYSELF!! even though there's a box on the highest rack tt i could reach for, amidst all the stretching, but it seemed open and used. And!! he jus told me tt i could get tt one. I wanted something tt is NOT opened, for goodness sake!
So i stretched and took the one within my reach and my mum checked it. Tho she said tt it's new inside and no one seemed to have touched it. However, this is so horrible! he jus stood there, waiting for another customer to make their decision as to whether they would buy a hi-fi set. wateva with the hi-fi set, he shd at least have some sense to help wif a kettle!!!
It's pure luck tt they didnt have any feedback forms and his name was blocked all along.
Moreover, the cashier is another woman who made my blood boil. I spoke to her in English and she gave me a stare. It's a long pause, lyk she didnt understand me! so i spoke to her in chinese! to think tt she gave me tt snobbish, arrogant look! i'm further enraged by this kind of attitude.
Shd she noe tt she's in the service industry, whereby customers usu have the upper hand. Cos the money comes from us. She shd have some common sense to mind her attitude towards them.
No wonder it's mentioned tt there's still a long way to go for the service industries. Look at this! A fabulous example tt accurately nails everythg in place.

oh well, i'm so angry! need some water.. hahahaha!