SuddenLy I seE

Wednesday, December 07, 2005


I was jus relaxing..listening to some music, when sth dawned upon me. It has been on my mind for the past few days. so weird.

but anyway!
have u ever remembered ur childhood frens?

well, tt day i was surfing the web and i saw this guy who somewhat resembled my childhood fren. I'm not sure if he's really him..hahah! but i was jus thinkg of the time spent wif this wonderful fren of mine when i was young. i might say tt i had a tinge of funny feeling for him! But tt's in kindergarten u noe. hahaha!
btw, I'm very very vain when i was in kindergarten. I wear high-heel shoes to skl instead of white shoes. And they come in all sorts of colours. Pink with a ribbon in front, red, white. yups! but i prefer the pink one to the rest. hahaha!

I fought my way to sit next to him tho. Once, we were having lessons in the class and i was sitting at the back while he was sitting in front. So in order to sit in front..i cried. it was so terrible! i cried lyk a mad person, telling my teacher i wanted to sit in front. But in the end, i got to sit next to him. yay!hahahaha! he asked me wat happened...and i jus said i couldn't see from the back. yups!

nonetheless, it's been so long since i've last seen him. I won't be able to figure out how he looks lyk now...i tink. he's v tall when we were still together and he's very fair.
tt's all left for me...the images of him. I jus wanna meet tis long-lost fren of mine..see how much he's changed. hahaha! so weird.

Lyrics by Hal;
I'll be there waiting on you...
I'll be there wishing, hoping and praying.