SuddenLy I seE

Thursday, November 24, 2005

After a week of being sick and taking horrible-tasting medicine tt constantly puts me to sleep...I'm back!still a bit sick tho...but awy!
How exciting is tt!yay!!! (everybody agrees*nods head in total agreement*)

I watched Harry Potter wif my sis and brother!so cool! it gives the feeling of being so,so,extremely 'dark' (jus exaggerating slightly) wonder my little cousin dun wanna watch wif us.It's bound to freak children out.seriously. hahahha!
awy! it's a fantastic film...jus tt dumbledore spoke too fast. He's supposed to be wise and meek. NOT so jumpy and aggressive.oh man!wat a change! hahaha!
the popcorn was great too!nice lemon tea!my most beloved drink!

ok..I'm feeling so lazy.can't stand it. as lazy as a fat cat.And i think tt bitter medicine has made me change my format for a while.jus for this entry i guess. hahahah!