SuddenLy I seE

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

today's a long day!hahaha!
went out wif the debaters and had lotsa fun!ermm...tho i didnt talk a weird! I'm supposed to talk a lot! maybe cos i talked too much yesterday! ...excuses!
I still remembered tt day when i was in camp(2nd to 4th dec)...telling the gb(girls' brigade) gals tt i can't live without talkg ...and here i!keeping so super quiet.

Awy! I really enjoyed myself! Me,rekha,bjorn (i prefer to call him beyonce..hahahah!),vincent and juli went to watch 'saw II'. before the movie,we were sharing abt the past few debates against other skls and how animals affect our lives.
so rekha asked us abt the top 3 favourite animals tt we lyk.. and state the reason. oh well!
I told her tt my top 3 choices are.. (I didnt noe it's supposed to be according to ranking!)
1) a lazy fat cat - cos it's fat
2) a dog - cos it's loyal and a man's best friend
3) a pig - cos of the gr8 memories it had brought me and it's real cute! go watch the movie 'Babe' and u'll understand..hopefully

so rekha told me tt the 1st choice refers to wat u want to be, 2nd animal being wat pple think of you and the 3rd animal was supposed to be who u are
okie! it's so weird tt i said all these animals...but!!!
they're really the few animals tt have always been hanging around in my mind for ...years! i dun wanna be a fat cat..nor am i a pig. tho i'm a co-director of Pig Channel.
Intro of Pig Channel! so exciting!
it's a channel produced by my bestie and i. we specialise in creating movies out of comic strips and we have professional pig artistes to star in each strip. hahaha! tt's jus a brief intro. Awy! let's not sidetrack.

so there i was..stunned by the answer.hahahaha! afterwhich we watched 'saw II'
wat a STEWPID show! it's seriously silly and there's countless of vulgarities used. I think the storyline is gone-case and the director seemed to bank all his excitement upon the vulgarities used. wat's the point of making a movie when the audience dun even get thrilled!?! i'm definitely not thrilled at all. It's jus a lousy trick of making pple get scared by the use of fake blood..screams and a total lot of vulgarities. I'm so pissed by the way the script was written! how am i to figure out wat they are trying to say when half the time, it's all vulgarities. especially tt 4-letter word!

after this dreadful movie..we went to swensons! yay! i went there yest!hahaha!
had earthquake and played a card game called 'galloping pigs' ...quite cool tho.
but i was rather disturbed when part of a conversation turned and hit me. there were a lot of thots running around in my brain as usual. (wat a way to describe!) but yups!
a whole lot of them. tonnes of thots were lyk raining upon me.(no wonder beyonce told me tt there's a lot of 'secrets bubbling' around me..hahahahha!so funny!he rocks!)
okie!i shan't talk abt it cos i dun lyk to keep unhappy stuff wif me and worse still! typing it in this time-consuming blog to remind me of the unhappy incident! NO WAY! hahahahah!

so i went home wif rekha and went to takashimaya.did some shopping there as usual.hahahhaa!

I love my day!it's fabulous!