SuddenLy I seE

Saturday, June 24, 2006

New Headlines: "Hometown girl catches train to city district" .. and it all happened yesterday!!

I've been on the urge to go shopping again ever since a few weeks back. oh well! my simple urge came true. haha! Btw, the partial reason was becos of the fact tt i wanted to update myself on what's the trend and blah blah.. not substantial a reason but the other reason was due to my planned dinner meeting wif the pre-u sem pple. hahahaha! (sorry for this 'lazy english' cos i'm still quite reluctant to type stuff into my blog. as i mentioned in the earlier posts. ) awy! went to takashimaya for a walk cos it's my favourite place amongst the other shopping centres of now. Maybe it might change next time when i get older. But tt'll take a number of years i presume. hahaha! Had dinner in California pizza. Tt was crazy. We had to wait so long, probably abt 40 mins, in the dark cos there's practically so little spotlights available for the tables outside !? and I was 'full' when we finally got a seat inside. Is tt what happens when someone waits too long and loses their appetite? hahaha! awy! I think the reason behind this was tt we didnt make reservations beforehand and were quite a large grp. oh well! tt's a lesson to note!

moving on! I went home before the rest. cos it's alrdy 1030 and they wanna play pool. I think i'm really tired out cos i still went to orchard to shop earlier in the afternn before the meeting. yups! got home early. Actually not quite so..cos i reached home at 12. hahaha! ok.. so the climax of everythg was the dinner! We shared quite a lot of stuff. From dejavu to other issues. It's gonna take pages shd i type out all the things we talked abt. But! it's cool! cos everyone's laughing and some of the jokes are just totally crappy. hahaa! girls and whatever it is with them. hello.. there's lyk a girl speaking here. maybe counted as a girl on the verge of ladyhood. haahha! whatever..
Ok! Yesterday was a breather. Very nice indeed!