SuddenLy I seE

Friday, December 09, 2005

Pictures from the Camp! (2nd- 4th Dec. 05')

tt's all of us from the girls' brigade 9th company!
just minutes before we officially start the training session. haha!

Mabel, my dear little sister of gb; who tried to be funny and jumped on me for a piggy-back ride!yups! so i was caught in the action! wif this oh-she-looks-so-light-but-she's-heavy girl...

So! we were separated in 2 groups for training. Each group consists of 12 people. yups!tt's us before we got our 'shortboats'... alright!

Intro to shortboats. They spin extremely fast if u don't kayak fast enough. One minute u might be in a certain direction, but the next minute, u might be on the extreme left. well, i sorta figured out tt paddling does not always need to be 'left-right-left-right', it could be 'left-left-left-right' or sth lyk tt.

we're going out into the sea in pairs!! yay! we're helping the gals get into the kayaks first cos we alrdy know how to get into the boat properly. u noe, for some of them, this might be the first time. yups!