SuddenLy I seE

Saturday, December 10, 2005

Well, my day started wif me gg to the clinic..hahaha! cos I'm still having this v bad cough and it doesn't seem to be gg away anytime soon. yups! so the only choice might be the doctor who in turn, might hopefully find a cure for it!

as i was sitting there waiting for the doctor, oh man! there's so much things to see! tho half the time i spent on reading a book to get my time moving. hahaha! wat a way to express it!
But anyway! here's some of the observations tt I made. It's jus my personal perspective and i merely picked it out from daily actions cooked up by pple, in the public.

the first thing tt caught my attention was this lady, she shd be in her late 30s i presume. There she sat, a few rows in front of me, wif her mother (abt 70 years old) and i think shd be her daughter or sth ( jus a child below 10 years of age). yups! 3 of them.
Her voice was rather loud, so i could literally hear wat she was saying. however, the good thing is tt i dun really understand the language she's using.. most prob sounds to me lyk cantonese. haha! awy, a man covered in bandage was sitting on the same row as me, and i tink she asked her mother to look at the guy.. cos he's quite seriously injured.
sounds fine to me if she asked her to look and the mother jus look for a few seconds, then TURN her head off! please! even such a simple act she don't even noe!!?! so the 'best' part was tt both of them stared at him wif such disgust for a good few minutes! an they were whispering here and there...till an extent tt i was so pissed off. luckily tt man was sleeping, if not i think world war 3 will begin soon.

That's one of the 'weird' behaviours portrayed by people nowadays, who jus simply do not know how to practise caution and awareness to the surroundings.
It's really rude! the fact tt she's rather well-dressed, it creates a greater impact! the stark contrast between her image and her behaviour have also led me to a thought ... tt image doesn't count even when the inner beauty is so ugly. something to reinforce the idea tt her attitude is poor was when i was in the pharmacy waiting for my turn to get the medicine, she stood directly in front of me and yawned. WITHOUT covering her mouth! trust my luck! hahaha! I was gg 'What's tis!!' but i left much earlier and i thank God for it! hahahaa!