SuddenLy I seE

Friday, December 23, 2005

The eve of christmas eve...hahahah!

Alright! I went to my cousin's place today... jus to give all the accumulated christmas presents to her. hahaha! she's gonna have a wonderful time opening them! cos it's all so beau-ti-ful!! oh man! tt lucky little gal!
Awy! i watched a bit of the show 'Bewitched' and sorta sat next to her while she played her computer games... some spongebob thingy and finding nemo game. well, i love the movie Finding Nemo a lot, but the game is sort of disappointing man! it's so weird!! the fishes jus kept saying 'tt's so cool, dude!!', or sth lyk 'tt's great, dude!!' I'm wondering y there's so much 'dude' inside. hahahaa! awy! it's quite fun a little girl of 5 years. haha!

And the interesting part was tt she touched my eyebrows and looked at my ear-rings. so weird... haha! i think tt's v cute!
she's got a slight fever btw... hahha! jus joking!!
but ya..she's been having panadol and seemed rather drowsy and all. I jus dun lyk being sick! it's really annoying and seems to be a conspiracy to make me slp! haha!

after tt i went to jurong point wif mum. bought lotsa stuff. Ingredients to bake cookies ( I learnt it from my cousin) and all the other groceries. Bought a shirt too! v nice! ooh lala! hahaha! and...some sushi!! from Fiesta!!! and cheesecake! i think it rocks totally! yups!
suddenly I jus realised tt there's an outbreak of 'and's. hhaha!

I'm gonna watch a show later! I love this day totally! yups!