SuddenLy I seE

Monday, December 26, 2005

Movies...and all

I jus watched 'Sweet home alabama' and it's real sweet! oh man! wat a show!
I think tt Reese Witherspoon did a gr8 job and she rocks in this show la uh. The content rocks more. haha!
I think home is the best. *agree? nods head continuously* but awy! if u dun agree, I'll still take my stand firmly! hahah! jus joking.
But ya! No matter where we go, the world is still none sweeter than home. Cos tt's where we all came from and it's always good to get to some place familiar. yups! more sense of security oso. haha!
So as i was saying, totally enjoyed it tho i missed the first 45 mins of it. hahaha! but the twists in the story was rather unexpected. Maybe i'm not so imaginative tt's y. hahaha! wateva. so I think i could somewhat add it into my collection of favourite movies. haha!
Well, there's '2 week's notice' on top charts. Then, there's 'love actually' and a lot more like ' 13 going 30' and horror shows such as 'shutter' ... oOh!! it's fantastic man! i was hiding behind the popcorn box cos my sling bag is too small. ahh! ahahaha! yups!
so this christmas! I watched a 'fabuloso' movie! haha!

and i did bestie no. 1's birthday cum christmas present!! yay! I love it totally! i'll place it on my table for a while before giving it to her so i can look and admire it. haha! so proud of it man! yups!