SuddenLy I seE

Friday, February 24, 2006

It's a FABULOUS day!! Full of laughter and joy!! hahahaa!

I'm so tired! haha!had lotsa fun jus now and I totally loved the debate party which we had!
Well, I ended lessons real early today so rekha and I were sorta studying for our various subjects. Went to get some bubble tea during a break and ended up not studying after tt. haha! cos we jus went on and on abt 'wet lips' (this wet lips is a character by the way). hahaha!
Then, we had a debate party!!
Beyonce came and I can't stop laughing at him! the more i think abt him as chicken little, i can't believe my eyes.. cos of the similarity between tt cute fellow and him! hahahaha! oh man! hahahaha!
Maybe he shd really try dancing to that silly song. hahaha! Alright! enough of all the chicken little and acorn dropping down from the sky...haha!
Well! we played a lot of games! nostalgia... *starts to float out of focus and reminiscing abt the younger days...*
There's Donkey! Pick-up sticks! Old maid... which was included in Donkey's set of cards.hmmm.. isn't it supposed to be separated? but anyway! I'm the Donkey.. okok!stop laughing at me(If u r) hahaha! I shd've jus shuffled the cards behind my back! didnt noe tt Juli was looking at the Donkey card all the while! so blur of me! aiya!!
The pinnacle of all!!
Tt game was real fun! Everyone was tangled up! Oh well! I chose to get out of the second game, early, cos of some unforseen circumstances. hahahahaha! wateva la!
In exchange for not participating in the game, I had a great lot of fun looking at the rest. I jus laughed non-stop cos they were in positions that sorta tickled my funny bone. hahahaha! Twister really makes pple smell each other's feet or even cross over each other's limbs. Luckily no one split their pants/skirt! hahahhahaa! Rekha laughed as much as I did! Especially at vincent and bjorn!! hahahahaa! alright I shan't comment any further, as I'm so super tired! *dozing off*
Awy! the whole thing ended on a good note!
I love my day!

Tuesday, February 21, 2006


That very voice kept resounding in my head
Echoeing through the midst of thoughts
Scaring away all flashes of courage
Leaving me cold and caught

It took away the zest for things
There --- a manifestation
Like all humanity
That arrogance for justification

A jolly day, that very date
Things went up the peak
Hurtful remarks hurled and said
Whose are they to keep?

Etched out once more
Forgotten but reminded
How to react, remains -- a question
Now time to act, such confusion

Sunday, February 19, 2006

It's the lovey-dovey mood of mine again!

Alright! so here i am, reminiscing in the waves of memories, thinkg of weird thots like... love! how exciting! *whateva.

okok. I presume it must be the excessive musical influence that took upon me once i started listening to class 95 fm. hahah!

Here's jus a gist of my thots and all that.

There's this line from a song by Don Henley and Patty Smyth. (alright alright, it's kinda old. I understand. But i go for good lyrics. hehe! so it's considered good!) Awy! It's called; Sometimes love just ain't enough.
A real melancholic song man! I can't stand it at times. But there's a line that sorta hit upon me. I dun really noe how to describe this sad feeling. Arggh! how frustrating is tt! oh well! ...
Better to tell the line first. hahaha!
"there's a danger in loving somebody too much"

There's a few different perspectives we can see from this mere one liner. (I'll not state all of my points cos there's too many running in my head. hahaha!)

Firstly, there's the obvious theme of romance and all the detriments of it. Well, when one loves someone too much(assuming that it corresponds to this line), that other person might not even show a single tinge of love when it comes to breaking up. They'll jus wave a goodbye kiss and run away like a piece of tissue paper. So light. Outta sight!
Another topic might be that love becomes so heavy that it sorta confuses the person him/herself. This particular person jus can't give the love away. (well, i heard it from this song tt he can't give his love to the other party.. how sad is tt!?!) maybe it becomes a kind of illusion, blinding him or her. So much so that it becomes a phobia to love cos of his/her intense love. hmm... weird.. so deep. hahah!

Friday, February 17, 2006

More pictures! More pictures!!

taken when we're on the way to chinatown, as mentioned earlier, for the tourism course thingy.
In the bus.. a teacher took leann's seat away. So she had to squeeze in wif me. hahaha!

Alright! skip a few days back, we went to CBD area for a geography field trip!

While we're waiting for a bus to take us to Suntec where we'll celebrate some affair at Marche *winks*, this was what happened...

Inside Marche. Whilst waiting for the rest of the class, we sat in small groups.

Thursday, February 16, 2006

A whole lot of outings!

Our class outing @ Chinatown
It's just all the chinese students..cos we had a tourism course going on. yups!

Our class outing to Marche after geography trip to URA

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

It's valentine's day today!

alright alright! so there's love in the air, passion everywhere and flowers in girls' hands. hahahaha!
i had a great time in skl today! First of all! Early in the morning...
I received this huge, tall, stout and totally beautiful sunflower from Zheng Yang! It really brightened up my day cos i was still asking my mum if i'll get any flowers this year. hahahaha! after which, we sorta exchanged presents amongst ourselves (my class) during break time. I've got this wonderful, funky looking box from lydia and i love it really! so nice!
Lala surprised me by popping up wif another present.. a bookmark. It's actually in the form of a flower.. and it's got a big wide smile! hahahahaa!

hmm..... let's see. So i got a rose too.. from jeff cos he's leaving for poly, and he sorta gave each girl in class a nice pretty rose.
Well, it is inevitable tt i have to make a comparison between the sunflower and rose. cos both of them are in my hands. hahaha!
I, personally, love both of them. hahaha! wat a way to say it! but all along, i'd prefer sunflowers more.
Why is it so? hmm.. cos i love the sun and wheneva i see the sunflower, it reminds me of the brightness and warmth of the sun. so deep... hahaha!

Most importantly! I jus simply love it too much tt i tried growing one in a pot. Oh well, it turned out rather skinny looking at the one tt i received today. haha! oh man! it's huge! *wide-eyed*

So we had an excursion to chinatown for some Chinese tourism thingy.I was asked to be the tour guide for a short while, but ended up speaking in english when i'm supposed to speak mandarin. ahhhhh!!! so traumatising. *sighs. wat to do? i jus kept stuttering when i was trying my best to speak in fluent chinese. ahh! another trauma. but anyhow! the chinese culture is like an intricate weave of historic moments which jus amazed me. i enjoyed the trip!!

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Valentine's Day is coming!!!
Ahhhh!!! *runs around smacking head*

hahahaha! well! Leann, my class chairperson was asking for roses. Oh man! cos there's the J1s in our skl selling roses for a few good dollars to help the JJ needy fund. She was 'reminding' everyone to buy roses for her. so we went around plucking flowers for her. hahahha! she's got nectar all over her la.

Yups! so we went to Marche jus now (Suntec branch) and had a fabulous meal. (in which i was so full, think i could jus burst) hahaha! I had 'rosti' - some sorta sliced potato to make it look like noodles, wif sour cream by the side and a sausage - while my other frens had crepes, pizzas and all sorta oh-so-delicious-looking-but-not-sure-how-it-tastes-like food. ok, we were having a farewell party for jeffery as he's gg to leave us for beautiful girls. hahahha! u believed tt!?! it's not really actually, well, we might not noe.. hahahha!
BUT! the main reason was basically he's gg to the poly. ya. it's good and bad. but we shan't delve into it la uh. *tears welling up
*preparation for run to the nearest tissue box.

hahahah! okok.. he's a nice guy and we'll seriously miss his wonderful outburst of joy. yups!

back to food.
As i was saying jus now, the food's not too bad. Very very filling and i like the ambience! it's sth different! cool music too! btw, it's known that Marche means market in that language. Come to think abt it, i think it's not even a market. Maybe a high-class market? oh well, I'm really tired so all the weird thots lyk these will start popping up. hahaha!

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Our time at the NTU Model United Nations Conference!
the 2 China delegates!hahaha!

Sunday, February 05, 2006

hey hey hey!! it's been such a long time since i've written sth.. hahahha!

Anyway! I jus came back (not too long ago) from the NTU model united nations conference which was held since yesterday. Well! it ended today.. so tt makes a span of two days. hahaha!
Alright, it's quite an eye-opening scene. Looking at the fact that it's a mixture of jc, poly and uni students. A whole lot of different perspectives. There's plenty of discussion abt various issues. yups! For my team, we were in the Historical Security Council. It concerns mainly the 1967 wars taking place in the middle-eastern countries and how we try to resolve it. There's the other council though! the security council which talks abt nuclear proliferation.

jus a bit of background info. there's only 2 pple in a team. With regards to who i'm partnered's a secret. hahahaha! jus joking!! I'm partnering my dear fren, rekha.
The first day's (yesterday) first few hours were disastrous for us. I'm really tired and exhausted because the day before, i had some training at orchard and sorta reached home at 1130 p.m. Then!! there's the research which i did till 1.50 a.m. so i slept seriously late. tt explains the whole thingy as to why i'm so tired. and as for rekha, in the midst of the first few hrs, she's feeling miserable cos she 'switched off' during the discussion. ok..the whole sentence before this was what i heard from her. hahahahahha!

so as i was saying, we're supposedly to pretend we're in 1967 and we have to solve the current crisis. My team represented china though. yups! Since rekha and i decided we're communist, so we'll try (as much as we do) to follow and accompliment USSR's decision. Communism rocks (my socks) *winks
on this note. I'd like to say tt i might have been too quiet and put rekha in a spot because i'm not talkg to the assembly as a whole, but only discussing wif her issues.We can somewhat summarise and say tt she's the speaker and i'm the writer. hahahaha! cos there's oso the background sneaky work which we can do, that is to pass little slips of pp to create alliance wif various countries. hahah! i've been writing those notes. hahahha! Partly, i felt tt i dun wanna raise my voice and shout across to the whole room which is huge. (wat a weird reason!)

ok. there's a point to note though. We, China didnt talk much. I think over the course of 2 days, we only spoke up for 5 times. hahahahaha! oh well, everybody, we have to realise tt China jus experienced a trauma in 1967 times, cos there's the loss of chairman Mao. *sighs.
Awy! It's lyk.. Syria, Egypt, Israel, USSR and USA were the ones who kept harping and trying to resolve issues. with australia trying to chip in a bit at times. hmm...

Territorial rights, ceasefire occurrence, DMZ to be set up so that no more fighting can occur etc. All these were the main topics tt came out. Alright, so China was HISTORICALLY supposed to side wif the USA. However we made clear our stand in the beginning that we want Israel to return all the territorial states that they've conquered back to syria and egypt. IN TURN, we recognise their sovereignty.
NOW! in this whole conference, we have instead sided wif USSR becos they've so happened, came up wif the same stand as us. Many countries were telling us that we've to side wif US becos in HISTORY, we ARE building ties wif them.

HELLO!! it's not an exact re-enactment of wateva that took place in the 1960s. It's an issue as to who has a better stand and what we shd actually try to get to, at the end of the day. US keeps coming up wif points to protect Israel's sovereignty. But they've forgotten that Israel was the first to fight egypt and syria, taking away their lands. oh man! wat a headache this is.

*issue continues wif all the alliance

yups! it ended wif a common resolution drafted by all the countries.
because we've had enough of these stuff k. it's a waste of time if we still let the issue hang in the air. There needs to be some compromise ... lyk 'give and take' tt kinda thing ya noe. hahhaha!

One learning point to take home is that the world needs to learn how to live in harmony. ok.. dun really make sense cos it's too vague. So i shall phrase it again.. haha! maybe i shd say tt 'everyone has different viewpoints and considers their own interests of cos, so in order to come to a consensus, all of those involved would have to compromise.'
sounds better?