SuddenLy I seE

Saturday, January 07, 2006

What's all that water falling!?!

I'm oh-not-that-really-but-still-counted fuming mad!!
Oh man! I was supposed to go swimming swim swim wif my besties. 3 of them. hahahaha! but if u add'll be 4 of cos. *arggh! i shall stop my nonsense! hahaha!
so there i was, sitting in the middle of hte bus-stop, depressed cos i missed a bus. Then!
Raindrops are falling on my head...
(luckily I had shelter..if not i'd be wet)

smelling all tt horrible, disgusting pollution from the cars and buses, I called one of my besties to ask her whether shd we go. Well, she's still at home cos there was a heavy downpour at her hse. and we concluded after 8 mins, tt we shd not go.
ahhhhhhh!!! *runs around in a frenzy!!*

I'm so depressed and suddenly! all of a sudden!!
I felt lyk eating potato chips once i reached home. hahahahahaha! then after i ate chips and listened to some songs to get me back on track... I sorta fell asleep.
that's wat directors of Pig Channel do. I'm such a role model. *winks*

Well, I'm not tt depressed now actually. Just lazing around and trying to do some research on some affairs regarding the PRC. hahahha! maybe I'd continue my sleep. hmmm...interesting!