SuddenLy I seE

Monday, January 30, 2006

It's the Chinese New Year!!
*sounds of lion dance drumbeats and all the excitement*

Alright! so the day before yesterday, my cousin and her new-born baby brother came to my hse. Oh well, he looks so... sleepy? hahaha! i jus felt lyk waking him up, and tell him tt,"It's chinese new year! so can u jus stop sleeping!" hahaha! but he's only one month old, so i guess he'll jus sleep no matter wat. Even if i were to use a 'gong'. In another perspective, he looks sorta handsome and cute. hahaha! jus lyk his sis when she's still a baby. NOW!! oh man! tt little girl who used to be so small and cuddly... is the class monitress of her class! by the way, she's jus started her pri.1 education. trust her to rise in ranks so fast. I predict she'll be nominated for the prefectorial board in pri.3. hahahaha!

Anyhow! I totally enjoyed the whole day! cos we played a lot of games; monopoly, taught her how to write chinese words, played some cards like Donkey etc.
But i was really tired out around 5 p.m., so i took a short nap. Again! I'm having a cold! so i had this medicine to cure me of my blocked nose. It's how fascinating tt a little bit drug can alter one's bodily functions and even affect the brain. hmm... is tt the beauty of science? hahahaha! so ironic. here i am trying to appreciate science when i'm an ardent lover of the arts. oh well!

Fortunately, i only had a half hour nap, and she left another half hour later. Gave her a huge hug and squeezed her. hahahah!
I'll be going to my uncle's place later and i might see my childhood friend. I think. cos i'm going back to my childhood place. hahah! wat a way to call it. let's hope and see wat reality brings...

Saturday, January 21, 2006

Had a fabulous time!

Went back to westwood and totally TOTALLY loved it! I'm back to my second home. hahahha! The atmosphere..from my own sentiments, it's so pure. In reality, it's so friendly! guess wat! I graduated from this lovely place a year and a month ago. Yet! the people still remember my name!?! so how gr8 is tt!
I love everythg there!!!

So as i was saying, I went back to girls' brigade! helped a little,actually quite a lot,at the stall. hahah! I was busy making fun of the sec 2 gb gals cos they're always sitting around and talkg. well, they're v cute little gals. hahaha! Awy! I was craving for the canteen food. so weird.. i used to call the supposedly 'canteen' as a cafeteria, cos of all the round tables they used to place there. now! it's all jus mere benches. long, practical benches.
the food rocks awy! tt's the most impt thing i want to say.
*makes me sound lyk a fat glutton.
but! the mee soto is really good! at least, much better than the current one i'm having now in my skl. oh man! tt taste!

hahaha! so the gals were very enthusiastic abt recruitment...hmm..maybe. *winks
but i'm more interested wif food. even though i love gb jus as much. hahahahah!

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

My sweetie-pie and I!!
Pork Chop and Butter Pig
Our outing to esplanade!
*I'm not les k

Sunday, January 08, 2006


it's been a great day today and I really thank God for everythg!!
Well, my bestie and I met up finally and we went to Esplanade for lunch! hahahaha! yups! though the rain can't stop falling, but the trip was not at all affected!

We were so excited to catch up on all the news and updates of each other that my mouth sorta didnt stop talkg. hahaha! so when we reached city hall, we jus went straight to the esplanade cos of the noise made by our stomachs. oOps! hahaha! we passed by the foyer where there's plenty of exhibitions! a lot of quilts sewn wif pictures! v nice and intricate designs! so we took a few pictures here and there! i must thank the lady for her help in taking our pics. she's so nice! hahahaha!
Awy! we didnt take a lot of photos before lunch cos the grumbles from our stomachs were getting louder. hahah! so embarassing! *I'm jus exaggerating .. *winks**

We went to Thai Express and enjoyed the splendid food! it's so fabulous that i can't stop eating! hahah! v filling too! I ordered a bowl of soup that seemed lyk Bak Kut Teh, but i think it's the thai version. yups! slyvia ate tom yum soup noodles. oh man! it's so delicious! plus the direct view of the waterfront! I think the ambience rocks totally. Both of us agreed that it's a v v suitable place for couples to lunch out. hmmm. hhaha!

So after all the filling in of our grumpy stomachs to stop it from grumbling any further, we walked past a shop that sorta made bears come alive! have u ever seen a bear who has a birth cert? oh man! and the pictures in the shop's so well-taken! the bear is acknowledged as a real human being i think! so cute!!
So there we are, taking a few pictures wif this ultra big giant bear sitting behind the shop's window. hmm.. nice pictures! and they're taken by this v lovely 70plus year old auntie. hahha! thks to her that we've got great pics on the way too!

So after our trip to esplanade,both of the pigs sorta went to starbucks to get some coffee. and i was looking at this weird 'stick' and asking slyvia wat's tt? and we agreed that it might be a straw, cos there's holes on the sticks! but to our amazement, this guy was lyk smiling and saying it's a stirrer (for stirring coffee). Oh man!! we were so embarassed. oh well! maybe it's cos I haven't stepped into the coffee cafe for lyk ... years and years. and I think it's cos both of us have nv seen such a thing before! hahha!
so we went off into raffles city for some shopping spree. hahaha!

ok..I'm tired typing this. the experience is jus too wonderful to be penned down in words. I'd be doing injustice to it if I continue. *Cos ur narrator is jus too tired!! hahhahahah!

And we went to jurong point cos the rain didnt stop. for so long! oh man! i bought a nail polish and it rocks totally! hahah!

Alright! I shall add some pics to describe our trip the next time i log in.
Jus wanna say;


Saturday, January 07, 2006

What's all that water falling!?!

I'm oh-not-that-really-but-still-counted fuming mad!!
Oh man! I was supposed to go swimming swim swim wif my besties. 3 of them. hahahaha! but if u add'll be 4 of cos. *arggh! i shall stop my nonsense! hahaha!
so there i was, sitting in the middle of hte bus-stop, depressed cos i missed a bus. Then!
Raindrops are falling on my head...
(luckily I had shelter..if not i'd be wet)

smelling all tt horrible, disgusting pollution from the cars and buses, I called one of my besties to ask her whether shd we go. Well, she's still at home cos there was a heavy downpour at her hse. and we concluded after 8 mins, tt we shd not go.
ahhhhhhh!!! *runs around in a frenzy!!*

I'm so depressed and suddenly! all of a sudden!!
I felt lyk eating potato chips once i reached home. hahahahahaha! then after i ate chips and listened to some songs to get me back on track... I sorta fell asleep.
that's wat directors of Pig Channel do. I'm such a role model. *winks*

Well, I'm not tt depressed now actually. Just lazing around and trying to do some research on some affairs regarding the PRC. hahahha! maybe I'd continue my sleep. hmmm...interesting!

Friday, January 06, 2006

Once Had

I was in a bus jus now, supposedly to be so tired and out-of-thoughts as I sorta used too much 'brain juice' working on a project. Suddenly, amidst all my exhaustion and 'blank-ness' in the mind, my eyes turned to an old lady sitting opposite me. Oh my goodness!! I almost fell off the seat!
Though she's sleeping, but she resembles tt of my grandma. (Well, I dun really like giving the word 'late' to my grandmother cos I simply love her too much) yups! and the memories of her were awoken once again. the tear glands are trying so hard to work on me again!! wat's tis! but awy!

I thot of a poem for my dear beloved ultra loved missed by all of us dearly Grandma;
while I was recollecting my thots back again.
so here it goes!

I once had her laughter
I once had her smiles
I once had her lots of chats with her
I once freaked out

I once saw her walking, but behind the windows
I once thought it was a thief because the windows were covered with another sheet of plastic (so i can't see clearly)
I once didn't dare to open the door
I once was a little girl afraid of thieves ( due to all the Enid Blyton stories*rolls eyes*)

But I opened the door
As she once opened the door in my life ever since I was born

I once had plenty of chances to watch cantonese shows with her
I once had lots of opportunities to fold cranes with her
I once had nights which I'd spend wif her
I once had birthdays with the presence of her

all of which I once had
all of which now made me sad
all i hope now is that she's happy
that is all i can say

Thursday, January 05, 2006


So! i'm caught wif so many things. all coming up, up, UP at once!

ahhhh!! tt's lyk so messy.
suddenly i'm stuck in deep thots...and yest during lit class. My teacher sorta let us watch a movie and I'm stuck in deep thots again. the title's called THX 1138. it's a precursor to Star Wars (according to him..haha!)and it's not bad. not bad at all!
I'm jus trying to relate it to the topics. this action resulted me in thinking for the whole night. hahahaha! yups!

alright! i'll have to think of other stuff too. it's quite cool to keep thinkg eh. hahahahhaa! wat's tt supposed to mean man!?!

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

So there's the good, bad and the ugly...hmmm.

As u would have read from my earlier post abt children and all the hoo-haa that they've created in this peaceful world, now I'm going to continue teasing them and their eccentric ways which sometimes puzzle me.
Children; sometimes known to be the cutest, oh-so-cuddly! creatures eva on earth. Though their so-called well-known 'special powers' will cease to exist once they're reached a certain age of maturity. haha! then! their status will be changed to 'oh-so-pretty/handsome'. hahaha!
In awy!
I was watching the news yest, and it appears to me tt some of the pri. 1 kids are having a bit of difficulty adapting into the education system. and the news sorta mentioned tt it'll result in depression! tt's even worse. wat's gg on man!?!*at this point, i shall stop my nonsense and get to rational thinking*

It's such an irony becos there ARE kids who are so adapted into the education system!! they've seemed to start skl since the age of 2 and a half? is tt too late? or has the trend changed? *suspicious look*

As of now, I'll jus focused on some of the kids who are really ahead in the 'heads race'. Not exactly referring to the kids who can't adapt cos it's jus part of life tt they've to experience this phase uh.
I remembered a boy in the same kindergarten class as me. And it's sorta our first day..i think. He pee-ed on his pants while crying for his mother!! poor little fellow. I was indeed traumatised by tt! but he's alright after our class sorta bonded. yups! it's rather funny now.hahah! come to think of it. Awy!back to the topic...

Starting wif some 'playgroup'.if tt's wat they call it? and then, kids are trained to swim, made to go for ballet lessons, learn the piano and all other kinds of instruments, trained for expertise in a language or two etc etc. This idea seems to me tt of one sort which is REALLY appealing! but the point is.. are these kids on the verge of losing their childhood?
What's a child to think of when he/she grows up?
"oh! I spent my childhood days learning how to play a piano, swim, going for dance lessons, extra language classes, going for some birthday parties that doesn't give me a lot of memories..."??
"All of which, or maybe most of them, i'll jus simply lose contact wif and forget it given due time."

But everyone has everyone's own childhood.
Oh well, personally, i think tt there's too much stress and 'kiasu-ism' gg on. It's gonna be a tough time outside in the education system definitely, in the near future. It is actually happening now too! everywhere are reports on them! oh man!

have u ever thought of an ideal childhood?
i havent tho. hahaha! but i'm perfectly happy wif my own's. hahahah!