SuddenLy I seE

Monday, December 26, 2005

Movies...and all

I jus watched 'Sweet home alabama' and it's real sweet! oh man! wat a show!
I think tt Reese Witherspoon did a gr8 job and she rocks in this show la uh. The content rocks more. haha!
I think home is the best. *agree? nods head continuously* but awy! if u dun agree, I'll still take my stand firmly! hahah! jus joking.
But ya! No matter where we go, the world is still none sweeter than home. Cos tt's where we all came from and it's always good to get to some place familiar. yups! more sense of security oso. haha!
So as i was saying, totally enjoyed it tho i missed the first 45 mins of it. hahaha! but the twists in the story was rather unexpected. Maybe i'm not so imaginative tt's y. hahaha! wateva. so I think i could somewhat add it into my collection of favourite movies. haha!
Well, there's '2 week's notice' on top charts. Then, there's 'love actually' and a lot more like ' 13 going 30' and horror shows such as 'shutter' ... oOh!! it's fantastic man! i was hiding behind the popcorn box cos my sling bag is too small. ahh! ahahaha! yups!
so this christmas! I watched a 'fabuloso' movie! haha!

and i did bestie no. 1's birthday cum christmas present!! yay! I love it totally! i'll place it on my table for a while before giving it to her so i can look and admire it. haha! so proud of it man! yups!

Friday, December 23, 2005

The eve of christmas eve...hahahah!

Alright! I went to my cousin's place today... jus to give all the accumulated christmas presents to her. hahaha! she's gonna have a wonderful time opening them! cos it's all so beau-ti-ful!! oh man! tt lucky little gal!
Awy! i watched a bit of the show 'Bewitched' and sorta sat next to her while she played her computer games... some spongebob thingy and finding nemo game. well, i love the movie Finding Nemo a lot, but the game is sort of disappointing man! it's so weird!! the fishes jus kept saying 'tt's so cool, dude!!', or sth lyk 'tt's great, dude!!' I'm wondering y there's so much 'dude' inside. hahahaa! awy! it's quite fun a little girl of 5 years. haha!

And the interesting part was tt she touched my eyebrows and looked at my ear-rings. so weird... haha! i think tt's v cute!
she's got a slight fever btw... hahha! jus joking!!
but ya..she's been having panadol and seemed rather drowsy and all. I jus dun lyk being sick! it's really annoying and seems to be a conspiracy to make me slp! haha!

after tt i went to jurong point wif mum. bought lotsa stuff. Ingredients to bake cookies ( I learnt it from my cousin) and all the other groceries. Bought a shirt too! v nice! ooh lala! hahaha! and...some sushi!! from Fiesta!!! and cheesecake! i think it rocks totally! yups!
suddenly I jus realised tt there's an outbreak of 'and's. hhaha!

I'm gonna watch a show later! I love this day totally! yups!

Thursday, December 15, 2005

What's all tt abt bird flu!?! they're not sick at all!

I was almost murdered by a big bird yesterday!
Well, it all started wif the totalitarian regime not opening the food stalls! had they opened the stalls and gave us some food, I wouldn't have to go out to the petrol station to get cup noodles and risk my life!!
this is totally absurd! but awy!

so there I was...walking wif my fren, wanjing, to the petrol station. Suddenly!! a big black bird swopped down from the tree and wanted to catch my head! I it flew away! hahaha! luckily, my reaction was fast! if not, i think my hair would be gone.
so i turned and asked my fren, who, not knowing tt my life was in danger and was busy telling me abt the latest updates - crushes and all the annoying guys (hahahaha!) - whether i looked like a tree.. was it cos of my hair or sth? maybe i had leaves on my hair!!?!
but who cares! tt stewpid bird put me on my toes!
so much so tt today when i went back to skl again..i had to observe my surroundings, in case he assassinates me again!

I muz bring a gun or a rifle or a bazooka to shoot him down next time round. That's if he harasses me again!

Saturday, December 10, 2005

Well, my day started wif me gg to the clinic..hahaha! cos I'm still having this v bad cough and it doesn't seem to be gg away anytime soon. yups! so the only choice might be the doctor who in turn, might hopefully find a cure for it!

as i was sitting there waiting for the doctor, oh man! there's so much things to see! tho half the time i spent on reading a book to get my time moving. hahaha! wat a way to express it!
But anyway! here's some of the observations tt I made. It's jus my personal perspective and i merely picked it out from daily actions cooked up by pple, in the public.

the first thing tt caught my attention was this lady, she shd be in her late 30s i presume. There she sat, a few rows in front of me, wif her mother (abt 70 years old) and i think shd be her daughter or sth ( jus a child below 10 years of age). yups! 3 of them.
Her voice was rather loud, so i could literally hear wat she was saying. however, the good thing is tt i dun really understand the language she's using.. most prob sounds to me lyk cantonese. haha! awy, a man covered in bandage was sitting on the same row as me, and i tink she asked her mother to look at the guy.. cos he's quite seriously injured.
sounds fine to me if she asked her to look and the mother jus look for a few seconds, then TURN her head off! please! even such a simple act she don't even noe!!?! so the 'best' part was tt both of them stared at him wif such disgust for a good few minutes! an they were whispering here and there...till an extent tt i was so pissed off. luckily tt man was sleeping, if not i think world war 3 will begin soon.

That's one of the 'weird' behaviours portrayed by people nowadays, who jus simply do not know how to practise caution and awareness to the surroundings.
It's really rude! the fact tt she's rather well-dressed, it creates a greater impact! the stark contrast between her image and her behaviour have also led me to a thought ... tt image doesn't count even when the inner beauty is so ugly. something to reinforce the idea tt her attitude is poor was when i was in the pharmacy waiting for my turn to get the medicine, she stood directly in front of me and yawned. WITHOUT covering her mouth! trust my luck! hahaha! I was gg 'What's tis!!' but i left much earlier and i thank God for it! hahahaa!

Friday, December 09, 2005

Pictures from the Camp! (2nd- 4th Dec. 05')

tt's all of us from the girls' brigade 9th company!
just minutes before we officially start the training session. haha!

Mabel, my dear little sister of gb; who tried to be funny and jumped on me for a piggy-back ride!yups! so i was caught in the action! wif this oh-she-looks-so-light-but-she's-heavy girl...

So! we were separated in 2 groups for training. Each group consists of 12 people. yups!tt's us before we got our 'shortboats'... alright!

Intro to shortboats. They spin extremely fast if u don't kayak fast enough. One minute u might be in a certain direction, but the next minute, u might be on the extreme left. well, i sorta figured out tt paddling does not always need to be 'left-right-left-right', it could be 'left-left-left-right' or sth lyk tt.

we're going out into the sea in pairs!! yay! we're helping the gals get into the kayaks first cos we alrdy know how to get into the boat properly. u noe, for some of them, this might be the first time. yups!

Wednesday, December 07, 2005


you! intentionally mentioned something absolutely hurtful to me didn't! make even a slightest known movement regarding... an apology... My enjoyable, fun outing turned amazingly. From another perspective, you disgust utterly.

Look who's the worst, weakest, atrocious, starkly nauseating, sickly, totally lame, irritating, nonsensical, picky person!


I was jus relaxing..listening to some music, when sth dawned upon me. It has been on my mind for the past few days. so weird.

but anyway!
have u ever remembered ur childhood frens?

well, tt day i was surfing the web and i saw this guy who somewhat resembled my childhood fren. I'm not sure if he's really him..hahah! but i was jus thinkg of the time spent wif this wonderful fren of mine when i was young. i might say tt i had a tinge of funny feeling for him! But tt's in kindergarten u noe. hahaha!
btw, I'm very very vain when i was in kindergarten. I wear high-heel shoes to skl instead of white shoes. And they come in all sorts of colours. Pink with a ribbon in front, red, white. yups! but i prefer the pink one to the rest. hahaha!

I fought my way to sit next to him tho. Once, we were having lessons in the class and i was sitting at the back while he was sitting in front. So in order to sit in front..i cried. it was so terrible! i cried lyk a mad person, telling my teacher i wanted to sit in front. But in the end, i got to sit next to him. yay!hahahaha! he asked me wat happened...and i jus said i couldn't see from the back. yups!

nonetheless, it's been so long since i've last seen him. I won't be able to figure out how he looks lyk now...i tink. he's v tall when we were still together and he's very fair.
tt's all left for me...the images of him. I jus wanna meet tis long-lost fren of mine..see how much he's changed. hahaha! so weird.

Lyrics by Hal;
I'll be there waiting on you...
I'll be there wishing, hoping and praying.

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

today's a long day!hahaha!
went out wif the debaters and had lotsa fun!ermm...tho i didnt talk a weird! I'm supposed to talk a lot! maybe cos i talked too much yesterday! ...excuses!
I still remembered tt day when i was in camp(2nd to 4th dec)...telling the gb(girls' brigade) gals tt i can't live without talkg ...and here i!keeping so super quiet.

Awy! I really enjoyed myself! Me,rekha,bjorn (i prefer to call him beyonce..hahahah!),vincent and juli went to watch 'saw II'. before the movie,we were sharing abt the past few debates against other skls and how animals affect our lives.
so rekha asked us abt the top 3 favourite animals tt we lyk.. and state the reason. oh well!
I told her tt my top 3 choices are.. (I didnt noe it's supposed to be according to ranking!)
1) a lazy fat cat - cos it's fat
2) a dog - cos it's loyal and a man's best friend
3) a pig - cos of the gr8 memories it had brought me and it's real cute! go watch the movie 'Babe' and u'll understand..hopefully

so rekha told me tt the 1st choice refers to wat u want to be, 2nd animal being wat pple think of you and the 3rd animal was supposed to be who u are
okie! it's so weird tt i said all these animals...but!!!
they're really the few animals tt have always been hanging around in my mind for ...years! i dun wanna be a fat cat..nor am i a pig. tho i'm a co-director of Pig Channel.
Intro of Pig Channel! so exciting!
it's a channel produced by my bestie and i. we specialise in creating movies out of comic strips and we have professional pig artistes to star in each strip. hahaha! tt's jus a brief intro. Awy! let's not sidetrack.

so there i was..stunned by the answer.hahahaha! afterwhich we watched 'saw II'
wat a STEWPID show! it's seriously silly and there's countless of vulgarities used. I think the storyline is gone-case and the director seemed to bank all his excitement upon the vulgarities used. wat's the point of making a movie when the audience dun even get thrilled!?! i'm definitely not thrilled at all. It's jus a lousy trick of making pple get scared by the use of fake blood..screams and a total lot of vulgarities. I'm so pissed by the way the script was written! how am i to figure out wat they are trying to say when half the time, it's all vulgarities. especially tt 4-letter word!

after this dreadful movie..we went to swensons! yay! i went there yest!hahaha!
had earthquake and played a card game called 'galloping pigs' ...quite cool tho.
but i was rather disturbed when part of a conversation turned and hit me. there were a lot of thots running around in my brain as usual. (wat a way to describe!) but yups!
a whole lot of them. tonnes of thots were lyk raining upon me.(no wonder beyonce told me tt there's a lot of 'secrets bubbling' around me..hahahahha!so funny!he rocks!)
okie!i shan't talk abt it cos i dun lyk to keep unhappy stuff wif me and worse still! typing it in this time-consuming blog to remind me of the unhappy incident! NO WAY! hahahahah!

so i went home wif rekha and went to takashimaya.did some shopping there as usual.hahahhaa!

I love my day!it's fabulous!

Monday, December 05, 2005

Finally 17!
here's to being seventeen and insane!

Thursday, December 01, 2005

It's gg to be my b'dae soon!so exciting!! I'm gg kayaking at pasir ris this saturday too!hahaha!
I can't wait!